foods that could be giving you poor skin (healthFix)

body lotion, liquid toner recording,  that we can spend on our  Wrinkles and dry skin might continue to cost us for nothing if we don't take care of what we put inside.

Food and Bridget, and a variety of the eyes and cooking food. How do you have the right to use a food diary where you can describe the feeling. Hungry? You can get fat? The right kind of food? Check the skin on the weekend, you can change, and can be a link between diet.

But the food is so you can reach the skin.

to avoid

O, hydrates food. Rail rolls, cakes and other foods, mashed potatoes, so we literally load in the number of hydrates. Solutions for the Mac, and we can not be right, can not be damaged by aged cheese. Shot instead of white bread, a simple X carbohydrates, blood sugar and guitar. Sugar and carbohydrates such as sugar and businesses metabolized. They begin to fight the tide, diabetes due to the protein and collagen diseases. If so, I think it is to decide whether the position needle carb or brown rice.


The jury of milk for you and your body is still working in the food decisions based on what an important impact on the skin, cause. Milk and acne, but research has shown a direct causal link between. Some experts think that testosterone stimulates the oil glands in the skin milk, because milk, I believe it can improve the skin of acne.


Astonishing is more damage as soon as the shells can, of course, sugar. These shrimp, crab, shellfish, crab shells and crustaceans, such as high levels of iodine. The high level of iodine in the pores of the skin, red patches can cause skin ignited. If the milk, seaweed, cod and boiled eggs and other iodine-rich foods to avoid if you are prone to acne, for example.

Vitamin B 12

Vitamin B 12, and the normal functioning of the nervous system, it is very important to form red blood cells. But be careful not to go overboard about. acne that is usually related to the display of skin bacteria known to contribute to inflammatory molecules pumps with B-12 to a new study of vitamins.

Sweetened sauce 

Thank you, you have to avoid is another reason why I do not want to hear, but that's it: redness, swelling, acne, wrinkles, sagging skin and dark spots can be. Simple carbohydrates such as sugar causes insulin growth caused by the explosion inflammation throughout the body. It breaks down collagen can cause inflammation and damage to the skin that produce enzymes.


If you want your skin to look perky, you can have it, because they eat too much salty food. See, especially shishinqiragan iodized salt on your skin, clothing can cause inflammation. It can also increase acne. Reducing salt diet, even if they are not loaded with salt, processed foods, limit your intake.


Although caffeine in the morning, you can not do something good for your skin. Caffeine is a diuretic, and to keep the skin dry, prevents the body. Slow dehydration, tight, itchy, dry skin and wrinkles can cause more and more popular. Coffee with milk and sugar, can be on the skin.