Effective 15 beautiful skin tips.

"The beauty and presence of her husband" (Plato)

Beauty is a smile, a word with many faces. It should be a must on the planet, one can not eliminate. Remember that governments have the inner beauty, there are many things, but often sacrificed thereby, the mere presence of the presence of the enemy. It is possible (light skin) is beautiful, and then the search ends.

With light skin

When a person with white skin, the body receives blood, skin and personal affairs. There are many reasons for skin care in general. It can be a race, but at the same time simple and honest. Gin honestly with you, my friends, so has more money to go to a beauty parlor. They can only be met.

Sun and impurities

We have a lot of time to claim black men to hear not the sun. This element causes the melanin in the skin. When the sun rises, the pigment contains an equilibrium. Melanin, a large amount of dark skin, dark When melanin dyed.

Test some of the hottest beauty tips:

Justice or justice wants to go back when lost. Also, if you have a beauty parlor. Let me tell you that I want to preserve the beauty of unity

Makeup Tips are divided into two types:

Of course,

These are the very top. Using all natural things, such advice is often the vegetables and the fruit of your body you want. For many, no doubt, but also natural beauty tips minus interest expense.


Other proposals for fairer treatment. Here, no artificial chemicals are used to cool the skin. Wrapping up the cream of clay or other chemicals to mix.

Although fair skin color, often recommended by experts in natural beauty tips, but are not recommended for me. In fact, tips for beauty or failure, natural beauty tips that will give the best results. fair skin to treat a variety of ways to dig.

Here are the suggestions above beautiful color


Honey is a beautiful skin is best for the people. Just one teaspoon of honey and apply to the face and gently massage in circular movements. Tomorrow should be at least twice a day, at bedtime. After a few weeks, the skin golden skin. Since there is not a suggestion, do not use butter, honey, remember that.


Yes, you read a good friend. When ingested, the body heat may papaya, but when used on the skin as a medicine might help. Ask yourself: this is the solution? Part of the timely implementation of drug abuse. We can not say that the main fruit treatment.

Only Fruit. Peel and timber that looks like a thick paste. Apply this on your face paste. Heating (usually the sun), can also be used on the shoulder. LET face at least one hour, the paste. Also, you can prepare to do the job, and you can practice all the time, focus on what is acceptable to the people, he said. After an hour, you can tune. This process must take place within three months in order to see the difference.

Basil (Tulsi)

Basil is a gift from God. This is not to treat disease after ingestion, but also skin may be necessary. I think, the people and the various diseases and skin skin Basil SAFT poor to fair use. Basil SAFT hello to beautiful skin burns, the best way to recover.

Take a few leaves of Basil. Then the mixture gently on the skin and kill. Leave for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water. When it came time to distinguish between three weeks and a few weeks later.

Rose water:

Rosewater less time to solve it gives beautiful skin. They are just so, or buy them on the day of the ballots cast in the water can not wet. Now the anti-water. If, when you wash your face, then rinse with water. Standing wash your face with soap and water, be sure to use. They not only did not grow and look beautiful, however, often used friends and pink.


Yogurt is very close to the heart of it all, there was lunch and a taste of blood in the South no lumps, called last

South India. just your skin that way! Maybe it sounded strange, but it really is a good friend. Spoon cheese curd and apply on the face every morning. Four weeks, but even kill facial acne. A cream allergy, you can try other options follow.


Weeks on the road with a cucumber cooked food to the table. Due to the low cost of vegetables, cucumber is the best way to judge the skin. This is the part of the plant and Melanie takes less land, so it is recommended to have a cucumber or less. You can apply cucumber juice on the face or even cut and paste of cucumber.

And research with cucumber skin several times, but still left eye and the skin temperature of the body is fresh and clean. In addition, the use of first-class cucumber Black Out. If you have these tips, make sure to put in place around the dark circle around the eyes, the eyes of the cucumber extract.


Can Lemon juice will do wonders for your skin. You can apply at any time, but can not increase it a little faster. Lemon sometimes you can leave the body feels great, but common. Should not be treated there as a result. natural skin products except cheese, no eggs. Lime should be good enough for everyone. A grateful that at least four to six weeks before you see the man in the mirror, and the price change of the skin color is not.

tomato juice;

While in India, he should have known that the effects of curcumin. In fact, turmeric prices are used to attract the woman's legs. It is sacred. However, research on turmeric skin, showing beautiful women. Members of the work was good, but not expensive. turmeric in the morning and at bedtime face, arms and legs are consistently applied. If you delete from the skin, there is no indication can be obtained.
The festival La Tomatina? I do not know what you say, but I have a special celebration in Mediterranean 30 kilometers is. This festival they throw tomatoes at each other. Such as tomato story stopped, time. But they feel the heat of a new, be it a tomato on your face. This photo tired man with tomatoes has been reported.

After a few days, you can use them more tasty tomato breakfast time. Tomatoes should be used to the best beauty advice. You only his face, juice or tomato paste in six months to see the results you can squeeze.


The dark spots on the face of the impact, or the result of effective potatoes may be the best solution to get rid of, other reasons may be. For example, you can, if it is preferrable in your face are the first potatoes.

Kokunut water meters.

When you are out of your home water, and washed his face and said kokunut. E helps to get rid of all to find: clothing, heart, bless you. After the auction kokunut and face wash to remove water, and you can download. We get rid of blackheads on the face, improving the appearance of skin.


Yellow Sweet Home. Remove yellow. Paste to a bowl in the middle. Heat butter and a tablespoon of honey and stir well used to. And a mixture of face-to face Pack. Let dry, rinse with cold water. Days, months and see the results, at least two or three.


At least three times in the first face in the dark under a beautiful summer a watermelon juice, to make sure it is. Melons to be careful, and the results can not be used later.

Milk and turmeric.

Without money you milk and turmeric beautiful natural expression and the idea is that, to be spent. Milk, a little turmeric to 250 mL and mix it well. Use this mixture to your face now excuse, it is a food program, or is a plane. In addition, you also need to drink a mixture of success. Milk, a number of witnesses and the production of turmeric pink. Just turn your light skin skin beautiful child appropriate.

Once sandalwood paste: sandalvood- Last paste. You can take the word as sandalwood paste interface. Sandalwood paste home ice for only 30 days, you will find more success. I go to a comedy show may be due to the weak shoes.

Of course:

Each friend you used to, and effective beauty tips up friends. You do not want to use technology in a simple suggestion. You will be questioned about the use of instant suggestions and ideas. If you answer or some suspected. No go hand milk, lemon hand. You end up with milk, citrus fruits and get advice as if they respond. Now select the device and keep them constantly. If you are not satisfied with any deal, you can switch to another. You just know that the best you can hope for.

Now the whole society. Please note that only the 15 best teams from the skin is a lot of research. To learn more, you have the door as possible. But I really changes your life forever consider you. You can see all the good information and easy home treatment.