Vitamin deficiency - causes, symptoms and prevention.

Vitamin deficiency makes blood sugar down when there is less vitamin. Vitamins include a mixture of vitamins, vitamin B-12 and vitamin C Lack of vitamin B12 or vitamin C can make it hard for you to apply or control your vitamin C if your body finds it. All the vitamins are responsible for all the problems. Other factors include acne and some blood vessels. That's why it's important to check your doctor and treat anemia. Vitamins and vitamins are added to your diet and diet. signs Symptoms and symptoms of vitamin A anemia include: Nakakapagod Small breathing Dizziness Skin color or Patient Death death Sleep or needle feeling your hands and feet Power is weak weather changes Works without end Lack of conversation or a thought The vitamin effect is slowly increasing for many months throughout the year. Symptoms of vitamin can begin in the first place, but become more acute. Build Vitamin deficiency does not occur when you have enough vitamin to a large number of red blood cells. The blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs, if you do not have your diet for vitamin, you can get vitamin. Or you can develop a vitamin because your body can not absorb nutrients and food for eating. The cause of this vitamin deficiency, also known as the mystery of the megaloblasts, are: Chronic acne pain, also known as vitamin B-9, is a favorite source of fruits and vegetables in green. Lack of food from these foods can be damaged. The disorder of folic acid on food can also cause the deficiency. There are many foods that are provided by the food in the small intestine. Alcohol absorbs folate, too much alcohol can cause a deficiency. Some medicines, such as anticonvulsants, can be prevented by absorption of nutrients. Pregnant women and women breastfeeding, increase the number of folate, as well as those who are infected because of a kidney disease hemodialysis. If the failure is incomplete, the request may result in an increase. High Blood Pressure There may be a lack of vitamin B-12, if your small intestine does not absorb vitamin B-12 This may be due to diarrhea or small bowel movements (eg plaque stomach bypass surgery), abnormal growth of bacterial infections in the gut or bowel defect such as celiac diseases or bacteria, Crohn's disease, prevention of vitamins is a no vitamin B-12 may also be Worms are caused by spreading fish as the bacteria use the nutrients of its food. However, the deficiency of vitamin B-12 is usually due to lack of antibiotics called products. If there is no other, vitamin B-12 can not be absorbed and removed from your body. Anemia The lack of vitamin B-12 because of lack of inner, non-high blood pressure. Anemia deficiency of vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiency can cause if you do not eat enough vitamin C by taking it for yourself. Vitamin C deficiency can also occur if your ability to absorb vitamin C from food. For example, smoking can affect your body's ability to absorb vitamin C. which will be available A number of factors can affect your vitamins in your body. In most cases, your risk of vitamin deficiency increases when: Their diet does not contain vitamins like meat, milk, fruits and vegetables. Vegetarians who do not drink pork and milk and have no animals may enter this category. The continuation of dietary supplement can also cause vitamin deficiency. She is pregnant and does not take vitamins. The supplement of folic acid is very important in pregnancy. You have any problems with the intestinal or other types of symptoms that you can find in vitamin supplements. Change the growth of bacteria in the stomach or intestine or upper abdomen to absorb vitamin B-12 encounters. They drink alcohol that absorbs folic acid and vitamin C and other vitamins. Adjustments are some medicines that can interfere with the consumption of vitamins. Anticonvulsant will protect the absorption of folate. Antacids and certain drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes may be associated with an Adjustment of B-12. Certain risk factors do not include certain vitamin deficiencies. The risk factors for anemia in folate include: Hemodialysis for kidney failure. Ask your doctor if you need more folic acid to prevent deficiency. Cancer Treatment Some medicines used in cancer treatment can interfere with folate metabolism. Risk factors for vitamin B-12 deficiency anemia include: Insufficient internal factors. Most people with anemia lack vitamin B12 have no abdominal respiratory protein required to absorb important vitamin B12. Lack of endogenous factors may be caused by autoimmune response, or may be inherited. Autoimmune disorders People with endocrine-related immune disorders such as diabetes or thyroid may be at high risk for developing certain types of B12 anemia, called malignant anemia. Risk factors for vitamin C deficiency anemia include: Smoking Smoking reduces the absorption of vitamin C and leads to vitamin C. Certain chronic conditions, such as chronic illness or chronic kidney disease, increase the risk of vitamin C deficiency and affect the absorption of vitamin C. Complications Vitamin deficiency increases the risk of many health problems. Pregnancy Complications Pregnant women with herpes can experience complications such as premature birth. Fetal development that does not take enough folic acid from his mother can cause congenital disabilities in the brain and spinal cord. If you are considering pregnancy, ask your doctor if you need to take a folic acid supplement. Then, your body's folic acid supplement is enough to support the baby. The disorder of the nervous system B-12 Vitamin B is important for the production of red blood cells, but it is important for a healthy nervous system. Without treatment, vitamin B-12 may be deficient and nerve problems like permanent problems or balance problems in the hands and feet can occur. Vitamin B-12 can cause disorders as it is required for healthy brain function. Without the treatment of vitamin B-12 deficiency, nerve complications can remain. Vitamin B-12 deficiency can lead to health problems before leading to anemia. Scubby. Vitamin C deficiency can cause burns. These rare signs and symptoms of the disease include bleeding under the skin and around the gums. Prevention Choose a healthy diet Choosing a healthy diet that encompasses a variety of foods can prevent some form of anemia lacking in vitamins. Rich foods with folic acid include: Deep green leafy vegetables Beans Cereal products are concentrated such as bread, cereals, pasta and rice Fruit and fruit juices Vitamin B-12 foods include: Eggs Rich foods like breakfast cereals Milk, cheese and yogurt Red and white meat and seafood Foods rich in vitamin C include: Broccoli Citrus and juices Strawberry Pepper salads Tomatoes Most adults need to take the following vitamins every day: Vitamin B-12 - 2.4 micrograms (mcg) Folic acid or folic acid - 400 mcg Vitamin C - 75 to 90 milligrams Pregnant women and breastfeeding women may need more vitamins. Consider multivitamin. If you are interested in getting enough vitamins from your diet, ask your doctor if multivitamin is right. Most people take enough vitamins in the foods they eat. However, if your diet is limited, you may want to take multivitamins. Do not. Smoking can interfere with the absorption of nutrients such as vitamin C, which can increase the risk of vitamin deficiency. If you smoke, stop. Do not start smoking unless you smoke. If you have tried to quit, but do not succeed, talk to your doctor about strategies to help stop. Drink simple alcohol. Alcohol can contribute to vitamin deficiency anemia. Please drink if you drink properly. For healthy adults, the use should be considered common.

vascular dementia - causes, symptoms and treatments

Vascular dementia is a general term portraying issues with thinking, arranging, judgment, memory and other manners of thinking caused by mind harm from weakened blood stream to your cerebrum.

You can create vascular dementia after a stroke obstructs a conduit in your mind, yet strokes don't generally cause vascular dementia. Regardless of whether a stroke influences your reasoning and thinking relies upon your stroke's seriousness and area. Vascular dementia can likewise result from different conditions that harm veins and lessen course, denying your mind of essential oxygen and supplements. Variables that expansion your danger of coronary illness and stroke — including diabetes, hypertension, elevated cholesterol and smoking — additionally raise your vascular dementia chance. Controlling these components may help bring down your odds of creating vascular dementia. Side effects Vascular dementia side effects change, contingent upon the piece of your cerebrum where blood stream is debilitated. Indications frequently cover with those of different kinds of dementia, particularly Alzheimer's sickness dementia. Vascular dementia signs and manifestations include: Perplexity Inconvenience focusing and thinking Diminished capacity to sort out considerations or activities Decrease in capacity to examine a circumstance, build up a viable arrangement and convey that arrangement to others Trouble choosing what to do straightaway Issues with memory Fretfulness and unsettling Shaky walk Sudden or visit desire to urinate or failure to control passing pee Dejection or unresponsiveness Vascular dementia indications might be most obvious when they happen abruptly following a stroke. At the point when changes in your reasoning and thinking appear to be plainly connected to a stroke, this condition is at times called post-stroke dementia. In some cases a trademark example of vascular dementia manifestations takes after a progression of strokes or ministrokes. Changes in your manners of thinking happen in detectable advances descending from your past level of capacity, not at all like the continuous, enduring decay that commonly happens in Alzheimer's malady dementia. Yet, vascular dementia can likewise grow step by step, much the same as Alzheimer's infection dementia. In addition, vascular infection and Alzheimer's ailment regularly happen together. Studies demonstrate that numerous individuals with dementia and confirmation of cerebrum vascular ailment additionally have Alzheimer's malady. Causes Vascular dementia results from conditions that harm your cerebrum's veins, decreasing their capacity to supply your mind with the measures of sustenance and oxygen it needs to perform manners of thinking viably. Regular conditions that may prompt vascular dementia include: Stroke (localized necrosis) hindering a mind vein. Strokes that square a cerebrum supply route for the most part cause a scope of side effects that may incorporate vascular dementia. In any case, a few strokes don't create any recognizable manifestations. These quiet strokes still increment dementia hazard. With both quiet and evident strokes, the danger of vascular dementia increments with the quantity of strokes that happen after some time. One sort of vascular dementia including numerous strokes is called multi-infarct dementia. Limited or constantly harmed mind veins. Conditions that limited or perpetrate long haul harm on your cerebrum veins additionally can prompt vascular dementia. These conditions incorporate the wear and tear related with maturing, hypertension, unusual maturing of veins (atherosclerosis), diabetes, and cerebrum drain. Hazard factors All in all, the hazard factors for vascular dementia are the same as those for coronary illness and stroke. Hazard factors for vascular dementia include: Expanding age. Your danger of vascular dementia ascends as you become more established. The turmoil is uncommon before age 65, and the hazard rises generously by your 90s. History of heart assault, strokes or ministrokes. On the off chance that you've shown at least a bit of kindness assault, you might be at expanded danger of having vein issues in your cerebrum. The cerebrum harm that happens with a stroke or a ministroke (transient ischemic assault) may expand your danger of creating dementia. Strange maturing of veins (atherosclerosis). This condition happens when stores of cholesterol and different substances (plaques) develop in your courses and restricted your veins. Atherosclerosis can expand your danger of vascular dementia by diminishing the stream of blood that feeds your cerebrum. Elevated cholesterol. Lifted levels of low-thickness lipoprotein (LDL), the "awful" cholesterol, are related with an expanded danger of vascular dementia. Hypertension. At the point when your circulatory strain's too high, it puts additional weight on veins wherever in your body, including your mind. This expands the danger of vascular issues in the mind. Diabetes. High glucose levels harm veins all through your body. Harm in cerebrum veins can build your danger of stroke and vascular dementia. Smoking. Smoking specifically harms your veins, expanding your danger of atherosclerosis and other circulatory illnesses, including vascular dementia. Corpulence. Being overweight is an outstanding danger factor for vascular maladies when all is said in done, and subsequently, probably builds your danger of vascular dementia. Atrial fibrillation. In this unusual heart musicality, the upper assemblies of your heart start to thump quickly and unpredictably, out of coordination with your heart's lower chambers. Atrial fibrillation builds your danger of stroke since it causes blood clusters to frame in the heart that can sever and go to the cerebrum veins. Anticipation The wellbeing of your cerebrum's veins is firmly connected to your general heart wellbeing. Finding a way to keep your heart solid may likewise help decrease your danger of vascular dementia: Keep up a solid circulatory strain. Keeping your pulse in the ordinary range may help anticipate both vascular dementia and Alzheimer's malady. Anticipate or control diabetes. Maintaining a strategic distance from the beginning of sort 2 diabetes, with eating routine and exercise, is another conceivable method to diminish your danger of dementia. On the off chance that you as of now have diabetes, controlling your glucose levels may help shield your mind veins from harm. Stop smoking. Smoking tobacco harms veins wherever in your body. Get physical exercise. Standard physical action ought to be a key piece of everybody's wellbeing plan. Notwithstanding the majority of its different advantages, exercise may enable you to dodge vascular dementia. Hold your cholesterol under wraps. A sound, low-fat eating regimen and cholesterol-bringing down prescriptions in the event that you require them may lessen your danger of strokes and heart assaults that could prompt vascular dementia, most likely by diminishing the measure of plaque stores developing inside your cerebrum's supply routes.