About 1,000 life insurance companies sell life insurance to the United States, but many are a group and therefore do not actually compete with each other. For different companies, the group may offer its products through separate distribution channels in order to respond to the effectiveness of certain countries or other organizational goals. 

It is estimated that there are three hundred business groups.
In addition, not all companies are allowed to run teams for the country. In general, you should purchase licensing in your country so that you can turn to state guarantees if there is a problem. If the insurance company is insolvent, the state guarantee fund is only secured by collateral to policyholders' policyholders. To find out which companies are allowed in the country, contact our government.
Some things have to be kept in mind when choosing a life insurance company;
Products - Most, but not all companies offer a wide range of policies and attributes, so choose a company that delivers products and features that match your needs.
Identification - The name of the life assurance company can create confusion and different companies have similar names. Frequently used words in Seal Líftryggingafélag indicate economic strength (for example, reserve fund debt or security), experienced financial (including banking, financial investors) development (eg first, pioneering or sleeping), reliability, such as insurance, trust, trust) gardens (useful, gender or countries such as Jefferson, Franklin or Abraham Lincoln), broad activities (such as Continental, national or international), government (for example, the capital of the Americas) or well-known and respected Americans. Make sure you know your company's full name, local location and relationship (or some other) (for example, click here).
Skateboard Fund - Life insurance is a long-term contract. Assurance liabilities of assurance companies are similar to those of banks. Select companies that are expected to be financially sound and ratings of independent rating agencies.
Entry into the market - some of the life insurance companies order out the principles and rules of the agency's insurance market, a non-profit organization that promotes ethical behavior in the area of ​​life insurance.
Consulting and services - many life insurance is inconvenient and complex, so it helps to deal with the agent you can interact with and who is sensitive to your needs. It may be related to the selection of an assurance company that some agents are only one or very small assurance company. See how I can choose a life insurance agent?
Easy weight - You might want to look at the requirements of the national database to see what information it has in the complaint company. Also, the Insurance Bank Department You can tell if the insurance company is dealing with many consumers, complaints about its services based on the number of policies.
Bonus and cost - The premium is the amount you pay for a life insurance contract for all benefits to the company. Even death benefits and insurance collateral (such as life) insurance premiums may vary greatly from companies, either because some strategic companies have features that others can not because of something wrong than others with the same coverage. So the first step in the strategy is to ensure that a similar insurance scheme is compared, based on:

- your age
- Type of policy and it's preferred features.
- Quantity of your proposed insurance requirements 
A bonus for this policy is not like the cost of protecting the policy. One policy will be a higher premium but also gives more benefits (for example, he can pay a dividend policy) or another. Or both can be dividends, but in different amounts at different times. In any case, higher premium policies can be affordable protection. How do you know the cost of a policy? Companies will tell you about profitability and cost recovery. If you use scope for a certain time, use the recipient index; Use Revenue Revenue If you expect to keep this policy, especially at the bottom of the index, the better.
